Tuesday, December 16, 2008

All Supplements Are Not Equal

How do the Biometics products offer better absorption?

Discover the Advantage of EMUSOL® MICELLIZATION

They use the patented Emusol® Micellization process, which effectively delivers essential nutrients to the body by converting the hard to absorb fat-soluble nutrients into water-soluble particles.

In a water-soluble Emusol® Micellized liquid form, the human body's absorption rate of nutrients is 3-5 times faster than standard supplement pills. This means more of what you take goes directly into your cells, instead of being wasted in digestion.

The use of micellar technology not only improves the efficacy of the product but allows a
reduction in the total dose. One of the breakthroughs in nutritional delivery systems is the unique EMUSOL® MICELLIZATION PLUS process. The uniqueness of this process is easily
demonstrated by observing the resulting transparent solution when a micellized nutrient is added to water. There is abundant evidence in the scientific literature that fat-solubles are more
effectively absorbed from aqueous preparations than from oily forms. 3 However, the real
advantage is the increase in amount and rate of absorption.

Several studies have been conducted on the EMUSOL® micelle vitamin preparations to
determine the effectiveness of this delivery system when compared with both standard oil forms and other emulsified forms. The studies were conducted in a random crossover fashion with
normal healthy individuals varying in sex and age.
The following information is a summary of the results:



Platelets play an important role in thrombus formation in arterial vascular walls which may lead to vascular disease. It has been suggested in the scientific literature that vitamin E exhibits ant platelet activity. However, the plasma level of vitamin E in oil form is found to be very low. The
absorption of Vitamin E in oil form is lower than 25% in normal humans.

Dosage of 500 IU of d-alpha-tocopheryl acetate were administered to the 12 subjects and the
plasma levels were measured as an increase over baseline levels (19.8 micromoles/liter) at 4 and
24 hours. The results of the comparative absorption increases of vitamin E plasma
levels of the oil, emulsified and EMUSOL® form at 4 and 24 hours.

The EMUSOL® form of vitamin E showed a 4.8 times increase over the oil form at 4 hours and 5.0 times increase at 24 hours. It also showed that the EMUSOL® form increased plasma levels more than twice that of the emulsified form.


In a separate study, the rate of the absorption (micromole/liter/hour) was compared using 500 IU of the oil, emulsified and EMUSOL® forms of d-alpha-tocopheryl acetate.

The data indicates that the EMUSOL® form of vitamin E is absorbed 4.5 times faster than the oil form. It was also absorbed nearly twice as fast as the emulsified form.


Human subjects were given 50,000 IU vitamin A palmitate in either an oil, emulsified or
EMUSOL® form. The blood plasma levels were measured as an increase over baseline levels
(2.675 micromoles/ liter) at 4 and 8 hours.

The data indicates that the EMUSOL® form of vitamin A showed a 5.4 times increase over the oil form at 4 hours and a 4.7 at 8 hours. It also showed that the EMUSOL® form increased plasma levels more than twice that of the emulsified form.

EMUSOL® is a registered trademark of Micelle Laboratories, Inc.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Biometics International Inc. makes no medical claims concerning the use of these products. These products are not designed to treat or cure any disease and/or illness. The degree of results will vary with each individual product user.


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